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Drag Chain Conveyor

Jun 14, 2024

The Drag Chain Conveyor Expert's Handbook

The Drag Chain Conveyor Expert's Handbook

Drag chain conveyors are the workhorses of the material handling industry and are capable of tackling several operational challenges head-on, ensuring your factory or warehouse is working with efficiency and ease. If you’ve just invested in a drag chain conveyor, you’ll want to get your money’s worth by unlocking its full potential and making sure it is being used efficiently. Thankfully, you’re in the right place for this. Here’s a useful guide on Drag Chain Conveyors and their operations.

Knowing the components of your drag chain conveyors

A Drag Chain Conveyor is a machine with several components and moving parts that make it tick. It’s important to know how it all comes together and makes it work.

  • The chain is the most important component of a drag chain conveyor. It’s what ensures your conveyor is moving material consistently across your facility.
  • The flights are containers which carry your materials. They come in various shapes – flat for bulk solids, pockets for powders, and specialised options for unique needs.
  • The drive unit is what powers the conveyor system, ensuring that it is operational.
  • The trough is the guiding channel, ensuring smooth material flow from point A to point B.

How are drag chain conveyors different from screw conveyors?

Drag chain conveyors are heavy duty workhorses that are capable of handling a wide range of materials in the industry. Screw conveyors, on the other hand, are conveyor systems that are used in specific situations and handle smaller capacities than drag chain conveyors. These are more useful in smaller facilities.

How do you optimise chain conveyor performance?

Optimising drag chain conveyor operations is all about ensuring they’re close to maximum operational capacity with consistent maintenance and observation of best practices.

  • Know your material: Different materials have different flow characteristics. Understanding this helps you fine-tune chain speed and trough angle for seamless operation.
  • Smooth loading and unloading: Design these zones for efficiency. Proper loading prevents pile-ups, while smooth unloading avoids spills.
  • Preventative maintenance is key: Regular lubrication, chain tension checks, and prompt part replacements ensure peak performance and prevent costly downtime.

How to troubleshoot minor issues and hiccups?

Every piece of material handling equipment runs into issues and hiccups at some point. Troubleshooting them shouldn’t be too much of a problem if the issues are minor, but these must be addressed sooner rather than later, lest they turn into major issues. Here are some issues to keep an eye on.

  • Material buildup: Adjust chain speed, scraper placement, or trough angle to get things flowing again.
  • Off-track chain: Uneven loading, worn parts, or misaligned bearings can cause this. Fix it promptly to avoid problems.
  • Strange noises: Don't ignore them! They can indicate loose components or internal wear. Early detection is crucial.

Elevating the performance of your Drag Chain Conveyor

If you aren’t mindful, it’s likely you aren’t getting the best performance from your drag chain conveyor. There will be times you’ll have to upgrade it in order to keep up with your operational demands.

  • Ensure you have ample motor power: Monitor your drag chain conveyor’s energy consumption levels. Upgrade the drive unit for tougher materials or consider a smaller motor for less demanding jobs.
  • Minimise dust emissions: For dusty materials, consider using dust seals at transfer points for a cleaner, safer work environment.
  • Embrace automation: Integrate sensors and control systems to automate chain speed, material flow, and even maintenance scheduling. This will reduce your reliance on manual labour and free up your manpower for more productive applications.

Advanced Applications

Yes. Drag Chain Conveyors can also handle some advanced operations and applications. If that’s what you’re into, here are some examples.

  • Inclined transport: Drag Chain Conveyors can handle inclines, making them suitable for multi-level operations.
  • Hopper integration: Pair your Drag Chain Conveyor with hoppers for controlled material feeding or discharge at specific points.
  • Long distance transport: Link multiple Drag Chain Conveyors for extensive material movement.

Other resources to optimise operations

If you’re looking for more ways to get the best out of your Drag Chain Conveyor, you can also consider resorting to some resources that are available to owners and operators.

  • Manufacturer manuals: Consult your specific model's manual for detailed information.
  • Industry associations: Join industry associations for technical resources and expert advice.
  • Online communities: Online forums can be a valuable source of knowledge from fellow Drag Chain Conveyor users.

By understanding your Drag Chain Conveyor’s capabilities and implementing best practices, you can ensure smooth and cost-effective material handling. Now, go forth and conquer your warehouse challenges!

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